Jugaad to Jigsaw: How Bijeta Learnt to Decode a Successful Career
Whenever she feels stressed, Bijeta climbs to the hostel terrace and looks at the Qutub Minar, lit up as soon as the evening descends. “Amidst the darkness, seeing the shining Qutub Minar gives me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Everyday, Bijeta now deals in hope. Hailing from Guwahati, with a civil engineering degree, Bijeta could handle complex data, get by jugaad and tackle complexities with resilience. But she wanted more out of life: better opportunities, people management skills and the possibilities of becoming a successful leader. Bijeta had a vision, but she didn’t know where and how to start, stuck in a labour-intensive job.That’s when she found Vedica on a youtube channel.

“Being in Vedica classrooms, I’ve learnt why context is important. I’m open and more willing to understand contexts, and not just view the world through my skewed morals,” Bijeta reflects as rain patters outside. Courses on critical thinking and philosophy make you uncomfortable, she says. “I no longer take freedom for granted. I’ve realised how women from previous generations, including my mother, have rebelled to give me opportunities that they didn’t have access to.”

Being in an all-women’s space has also helped Bijeta become vulnerable, assert her individuality and find a more holistic way towards confidence. “When you bond over pain, you develop a sense of security. Unnecessary competition is wiped off. You want to hype your friends, and all the women in the cohort. You want success for each other.”

For Bijeta, success is what matters. She feels she’s quick to comprehend problem statements, can dig deep and adapt her technical aptitude to newer circumstances. But her biggest learnings are that of patience and flexibility. Rather than ‘reacting’ to difficult situations, Bijeta has gained the ability to ‘respond’ through her skills of observation, questioning and reading in between the lines.

“The world is a buffet and I am an empty plate. I can pick and choose things that can help me build character and become more resourceful. I feel I can now carve my own path of success with the right intentions.”